Dress well. . . Live better!
Posted by rpgadmin on Jan 10th 2011
It isn’t hard to dress well if you change how you think and really care about how you look. Dressing well isn’t about spending a ton of money on the very best designer clothing but is that who you really are? Nobody in the real world gives a hoot about that. I know some people who do that but even they don’t need to.
Dressing well and looking good has many variables to it. Billionaire investor Warren Buffet says the he can make a great suit look cheap and I know he has a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor but the statement can ring true none the less. His buying off the rack is more about his charming personality than anything else and he’s capitalizing on that. Good for him!
Keeping physically fit and eating right has a lot to do with how you look even if you have inexpensive clothing. There isn’t a slight of hand magic trick to eating right and getting some exercise. There has to be ten thousand books written on this subject. Get off the couch, put on your athletic shoes and go for a walk. If it’s cold outside, no big deal, dress a little warmer.
When Arnold Schwarzenegger was competing in body building he had one simple rule of thumb for losing weight. Eat 500 calories less per day and burn 500 calories per day from exercise and you will lose weight. His favorite exercise for losing weight was “push aways” Push-away from the table that is! It’s a very simple formula and he ought to know.
Buying the right clothing to fit your body is a great way to wear clothing better. Do not buy clothing to fit the way you “want to look” after your weight loss. Unfortunately, that never works out very well and unless your seriously committed to getting healthy you just wasted your money. Weight loss takes time and no matter how many adds you see on this topic Arnold has it right: push aways work the best and the average person with exercise is only going to lose about five to six pounds a month at the most. Practice looking good while you drop the weight.
At Arrowsmith Shoes we help our clients all the time with some of these issues but being a better shopper isn’t hard to do at all. Shop often and buy smarter is what we tell our clients. think of ways to incorporate many looks from a few quality items. A great jacket and nice shoes are a great place to start.
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